CLICK HERE to listen to my interview with Dr. Jay Richards of Heritage Foundation now. Dig deep on Dr. Jay Richards bio and your eyes keep widening.I’m Glad You Said That” and to John & Sandy Powers for their generous sponsorship of the show. We couldn’t do it without them. He’s written more than a dozen books covering everything from physics to fasting to money to The Hobbit. He has produced multiple documentaries including The Call of the Entrepreneur, The Birth of Freedom, and The Privileged Planet. In addition to his current role as William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC, he is also a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute, Executive Editor of The Stream, Assistant Research Professor in the Busch School of Business and Fellow of the Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America. Today, I am privileged to converse with Dr. Richards about how gender ideology has infiltrated so many aspects of our society today. Ever the scientist, he likens how quickly this lie has hardened into culture today to phase change – a physical process of transition between one state of a medium and another like water turning to ice. Fortunately, he believes, a phase change in the other direction may be evident as even liberals are beginning to question the madness. I am privileged to chat with Jay today and hope you can tune in. As always, if you can’t tune in live on radio, be sure to go wherever you get your podcasts and listen at your convenience. Thanks for your interest in “
“I’m Glad You Said That” is our weekly one-hour talk show featuring conversation and interviews on the two topics you’re not supposed to talk about in polite company – faith and politics. We dive into both. In addition to the podcast, for those outside of Anchorage, Eagle River, the Valley and surrounding areas or if you’re not close to a radio, you can always tune in and listen live Wednesdays at 1PM on KATB 89.3 and at 5pm on KVNT. Standing for families…in His name, |