Alaska Family Council
Gifts to Alaska Family Council ARE tax-deductible. They enable AFC to equip Alaskans to defend common-sense family values, partner with churches and other like-minded groups to restore a healthy culture of marriage and family and develop young leaders to transform Alaska’s future.
Alaska Family Action
Gifts to Alaska Family Action, Inc., are NOT tax-deductible. Donations may be used for political purposes. Gifts are not designated for a particular purpose and will be used at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors for the mission and purposes of AFA.
Why Give to Alaska Family Action / Council?
We are fighting the battles for Alaska families on important issues including sanctity of life, marriage and family, school choice, and religious liberty.

We seek to build a culture where every unborn child is welcomed in life and protected by law. We seek an Alaska where abortion is no longer legal or readily available, and where unborn children have the strongest legal protections anywhere in the nation.

Parents in Alaska should have the right to choose, without financial penalty, the best education for their child, whether in a public school, private school, faith-based school, or homeschooling environment.

Public policy in Alaska should value marriage as only the union of one man and one woman and as what’s best for men, women, and children.
Public policy in Alaska should protect and respect the right of parents to educate their children regarding issues of sexuality.

Public policy in Alaska should affirm and protect religious liberty for individuals, churches, and organizations.