From the Help Not Harm site –Tune in today for “I’m Glad You Said That” to learn about the Help Not Harm movement ! “A young girl who feels she is a boy – or a boy who feels he is a girl – may feel that way for any number of reasons. Perhaps she feels she doesn’t fit in socially with other girls, and would fit in better if she were a boy. Perhaps she is generally uncomfortable in her body or with the changes it’s going through, and she is reacting to that in a similar way to someone who, for example, has an eating disorder. She may have heard teachers talk about identifying as transgender in school, or watched videos online about transitioning, and that led her to believe it was a solution to the depression or anxiety she faced. Or, she may have more organically developed these feelings as a child. Whatever the cause, one thing is crystal clear: a child who believes they must alter their body in order to be comfortable in it is a child who is deeply hurting.The last thing we should do? Hurt them even more.Family Policy Alliance Foundation. Joseph is a good friend and is traveling across the country testifying and providing expertise on this issue to lawmakers and others to stand in the gap for sensible measures to protect children. We will be doing everything in our power to get legislation in Alaska toward this end. I hope you can join us for the show. Thanks for your interest in “I’m Glad You Said That” and to John & Sandy Powers for their generous sponsorship of the show. We couldn’t do it without them. When a child is struggling to accept his or her biological sex, transgender activists will send that child a message to “be yourself.” In reality it’s a message that says: Be Yourself except – – Change your body chemistry makeup – Change or amputate healthy body parts – Change your appearance through surgery Many states are now pushing back and providing much needed legal protections for children who are being directed toward unnecessary, life altering procedures that many now, in the thousands, are regretting. Join me today on “I’m Glad You Said That” for an important and enlightening conversation with Joseph Kohm III, Esq, the Director of Public Policy for our national partner, the
“I’m Glad You Said That” is our weekly one-hour talk show featuring conversation and interviews on the two topics you’re not supposed to talk about in polite company – faith and politics. We dive into both. In addition to the podcast, for those outside of Anchorage, Eagle River, the Valley and surrounding areas or if you’re not close to a radio, you can always tune in and listen live Wednesdays at 1PM on KATB 89.3 and at 5pm on KVNT. |