Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans
and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.“
James 1:27
Tami Jo Watson and Victoria Ross, Executive Director and Deputy Director of Alaska Adoption Services, know first hand of the challenges and joys of adoption. They both have adopted children and are engaged in that arena every work day.
I’m thrilled to have both of them on the show today.
Every year in Alaska, somewhere between 1,200 and 1,900 pre-born children are aborted primarily because of inconvenience. It is hard to estimate how many of those children would be alive today had the mothers and families involved had more information about adoption as an alternative.
I think it’s safe to say many.
Adoption has an enormous role in how God laid out His plan to redeem humanity.
As John Piper describes, “Adoption is one of the most profound realities in the universe. I say “universe” and not “world” because adoption goes beyond the world. It is greater than the world, and it is before the world in the plan of God, and it will outlast the world as we know it. Indeed it is greater than the “universe” and is rooted in God’s own nature.”
CLICK HERE to read the compelling piece by Piper as to how integral adoption is to God’s good work.
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Thanks for your interest in “I’m Glad You Said That” and to John & Sandy Powers for their generous sponsorship of the show. We couldn’t do it without them.