“Many people think there are only two genders, girls and boys, but this is not true. From a 1st & 2nd Grade Sex Ed Curriculum “Understanding Our Bodies”
There are many ways to be a boy, a girl, both or neither. Gender identity is about how you feel about yourself inside.”Testimony at the first public hearing in the House Education Committee was overwhelmingly opposed to the bill, thanks to educational unions, LGBTQ activist organizations and groups like Planned Parenthood urging their supporters to call, email and write against the parental rights bill.CLICK HERE now to send your short email in support of HB105. Click HERE for Governor Dunleavy’s short letter to House Speaker Cathy Tilton on why he submitted the bill.
If you’re able to call in for the next hearing this Thursday, that’s great but a written email is just as effective and can be done at your convenience. The Committee members simply need to know there is widespread support for parental rights in Alaska and that HB105 is the vehicle for making that happen.TAKING ACTION BY PHONE
To testify by phone on HB105, call any of the following numbers this Thursday, April 13th, at 5:15 p.m.
— Juneau: (907) 586-9085
— Anchorage: (907) 563-9085
— Statewide: (844) 586-9085
Jim Minnery – President