“No school district should ever force teachers to willfully deceive parents or engage in any speech that violates their deeply held religious beliefs.” Center for Academic Freedom
Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer Director of the Alliance Defending Freedom’s ![]() As public schools double down on keeping parents misinformed and in the dark when students start to “socially transition” to a different sex, many teachers are starting to stand up for the integrity of their profession and are refusing to be bullied into lying.laws have been passedpreventing public schools from forcing teachers, counselors and administrators into deceiving parents about what is happening with their children.In Kansas recently, a state actually not included in one of those 10 states with strong parental rights laws on this issue, Fort Riley Middle School officials agreed to pay $95,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees for violating a math teacher’s First Amendment rights when they reprimanded and suspended her for addressing a student by the student’s legal and enrolled name and forced her to conceal the student’s social transition from the student’s parents. Here in Alaska, it’s time for public school teachers to push back against the absurd and unconstitutional policies that require them to lie to parents. Alaska Family Council has received firsthand evidence that public schools are pushing this kind of nonsense on teachers who want to remain transparent and honest with the mothers and fathers of the kids they are entrusted to care for. If you’re a public school teacher, or have a family member or friend who is, and you’re in an environment where you’re being asked to compromise on what is right and true and good…we want to help.
In at least 10 states, ![]() Although at this time, Alaska Family Council does not have in-house legal counsel, we work very closely with an array of public interest law firms across the country including Alliance Defending Freedom as well as with an ever growing list of allied Alaskan attorneys who believe strongly in defending the free speech rights of teachers and the rights of parents to direct their children’s education. Certainly, this is not an easy decision for a public school teacher to make but it is the right decision. Government funded schools are possible only through the taxes that are provided by hard working citizens. Ultimately it comes down to public trust, even though in the area of public education, that has been severely tarnished. Teachers standing up for the rights of parents to be informed and engaged on such a weighty issue as gender dysphoria are providing an encouraging boost in confidence for those of us who have had great cause for concern of late in this arena. It’s time for public school teachers to stand up with integrity, boldness and clarity. Right here in Alaska. Please share this far and wide. Let’s create a stir. |