AFC & Liberty University Offer Lunches To Encourage and Equip Church LeadersLiberty University’s Standing for Freedom Center to offer two exciting opportunities at the end of this month for pastors to be encouraged, educated and equipped to engage in the important upcoming General Election in November. The Standing for Freedom Center seeks to become a national repository of resources for Biblical Principles, values and truth regarding relevant issues of our time for people of faith. The lunches in Anchorage and Fairbanks are complimentary and every church leader attending will receive a free copy of Dr Jim Garlow’s Well Versed – a book on bringing Biblical principles of governance to policy leaders and those who elect them. AFC was honored to host Dr. Garlow in 2015 for a series of religious liberty town halls across Alaska. He is a national treasure. Noah Webster, advisor to the Founding Fathers and known as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education” is quoted as saying – “If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honor of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation.” Church leaders have historically and rightfully had a prominent, essential role in helping their flock understand why elections matter, how and why they should participate in the “welfare of their city” and how God is honored when those who love His precepts are in seats of power. The agenda will include presentations on the Standing for Freedom Center as well as Liberty University’s Freedom Voter’s Initiative created to inspire pastors, churches, and people of faith to register to vote, cast their vote and serve as poll watchers.
Alaska Family Council is privileged to partner withThe Church in a Post Roe World
At the lunches, Alaska Family Council will also be presenting on what a Post-Roe world can and should look like in our Great Land. After the historic Dobbs case returned the issue to the states, the Body of Christ has more opportunities, and responsibilities, than ever before to speak Truth into the issue of protecting the unborn and their mothers. CLICK HERE to register Tuesday, August 30th – 11:30am to 1:30pmPetroleum Club Fairbanks – CLICK HERE to register Wednesday, August 31st – 11:30am to 1:30pmPike’s Waterfront Lodge
AFC will also provide some information about Alaska’s ranked choice voting process. Please join us for a time of fellowship and finding God in the midst of election slogans and campaign promises. He remains on the throne and His plans will not be thwarted. Anchorage –