The Basics
The Alaska Church Ambassador Network brings faithful pastors from around the state to visit the Capitol, meet with legislators (regardless of party or policy), and pray for them along the lines of 1 Timothy 2:1-4. We’re working to have a real, constant presence of pastors meeting and praying every day of the legislative session. We know the Lord will soften the hearts of many legislators to the gospel as we care for their hearts and souls. Join Church Ambassador Network staff and other pastors engaging in this crucial work to bless our legislators.
Core Values
Jesus is the sole means of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration through His work on the Cross and resurrection. We believe transformation happens as people see Christ accurately and rightly value Him. That is why Christ must be at the center of everything that we do. It is God’s Word that gives us the most clear and concrete picture of Jesus. Because of that, we aim to lift up God’s Word in everything we do.
God’s grace through Jesus Christ changes everything and is the basis and power of our personal lives and ministry. In a place where political battles make grace all the rarer, we aim to be motivated by grace and to joyfully give grace away to one another.
Christ does not fit into any political ideology. His Kingdom is an eternal kingdom not of this world. As His ambassadors, it is important that we keep that independent voice. We are not bipartisan, which is allegiance to both sides. Neither are we partisan, which is allegiant to one. We are non-partisan, which is allegiant to no political party.
We move at the speed of relationship through the Holy Spirit’s leading. We move at the speed of intentional relationships with both the Church and the government. It is in relationship that people share their lives with one another. It is the heart of the Church Ambassador Network to move beyond the surface level and to engage in deeper Christ-centered relationships that lead to changed lives.
Christ created the Church as a diverse body, and He designed both the institution of God’s Church and government. Just as every part of the body is needed, so is each institution. It is the heart of the Church Ambassador Network to build partnerships between churches and between the Church and government to serve people and bring Christ glory.
Our mission is dependent on prayer, knowing God moves through and changes lives through prayer. We pray collectively as the Church that God would move in the heart of “kings,” bring revival to His Church, and re-ignite its flame for the gospel and the Great Commission.

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Core Principles
Core Principles of the Church Ambassador Network
1. God desires the gospel to be proclaimed to all, and as His ambassadors, His servants are commanded to carry this good news to all. (Matthew 28:16-20; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9)
2. God does not fit neatly into our political parties or political theories. He is not a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. Neither do we reimagine Him with our labels of conservative, liberal, or moderate. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the transcendent, holy, and triune God—Creator of heaven and earth. (Job 38-42:6; 1 Corinthians 1:25)
3. Our identity is not in a political party. Our identity is in Christ. We stand for God’s Word, and ask others to join us there. (Joshua 5:13-14; Romans 6; Colossians 3:1-17)
4. The United States of America are not identical with the nation of Old Testament Israel. And yet, our republic has often been blessed because of God’s grace and has, at times, followed our Lord’s principles and precepts. (Psalm 33:12)
5. As the Apostles ministered to both Jew and Gentile, slave and free, noble and ignoble, so we will minister to the Republican, Democrat, and Independent in unique ways that never compromise the truths of the Word of God. (Acts 28:28-31; Romans 10:11-13; Galatians 3:27-29; 1 Timothy 2:1-4)
6. Moralism or affirming otherwise good laws does not equal spiritual transformation. (Romans 2; 10:3)
7. Only the gospel has the power to properly transform people, who together may transform a nation. (Proverbs 14:34; Romans 1:16)
8. The power of true cultural renewal lies in the Bible, the gospel, and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. It does not lie in the halls of kings, legislative bodies, or human courts. (Hebrews 3:12-13)
9. The Church is not a worldly voice. It is a heavenly kingdom, and those in this kingdom serve as ambassadors of the Ascended King with a message of good news to the peoples and kingdoms of this world. (Acts 1:8; 28:28-30; Philippians 1:27, 3:20; Hebrews 12:22-24)
10. Both the Church and the government are institutions created by God. They have unique roles that must remain distinct, but must also work together under God. (2 Chronicles 19:11; Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13)
11. Those in authority have been uniquely called by God to administer justice with the aid of the timeless counsel of the Church. (2 Samuel 8:15; 2 Kings 12:23)
12. We understand that David ruled with justice and righteousness because he walked with the Lord, his God. We encourage all rulers to do the same. (Psalm 2, 110)
13. We are ambassadors of Christ acting as missionaries who build intentional relationships with the authorities of the Lord’s institution of government with a goal to serve all, build up the saints, and seek to save the lost with the gospel.
Donate to the Alaska Church Ambassador Network

Gifts to the Alaska Church Ambassador Network ARE tax-deductible. They enable AFC to equip Alaskans to defend common-sense family values, partner with churches and other like-minded groups to restore a healthy culture of marriage and family and develop young leaders to transform Alaska’s future.